Category: Uncategorised
Assalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, finally the official website of Universiti Malaysia Perlis’s Bursar Department has been developed with the cooperation and commitment from all of the staff of this department. I hope that the development of this website will be beneficial to all parties.
Bursar Department is a driving force of an organization. Similarly for the bursar department at any universities, the main focus has always been to ensure the university operations to run smoothly as planned. This website is in line with UniMAP's goal as a medium to disseminate information to all our customers namely students, employees or external customers.
With the existence of this site, I hope that the search for information would be faster and it can become a medium for our clients to deliver feedbacks from time to time. Our department would try to improve by reviewing all the feedbacks given in order to ensure better services. Bursar Department will continue to seek opportunities to improve the performance of financial management services to a higher level in the future.
Thank you
Last Updated on Monday, 20 December 2021 05:17
Hits: 45208